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Generic Abiraterone

other equivalent brand names ↓Abiraterone (Abiraterone 250 mg)
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Buy Abiraterone Packages: 250 mg
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Categories: Cancer

Generic Abiraterone 250 mg buy online at our online medical shop:

250 mg × 120 pills
$ 459.90
$ 3.83 per pill
Buy Abiraterone 250 mg × 120 »
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Brand names: Abirapro (Glenmark)
Manufacturer: Glenmark

Product info »

Abiraterone, known by its generic name Abiraterone acetate, emerges as a groundbreaking medication in the realm of oncology, specifically designed to combat prostate cancer. Delve into the features and applications that make Abiraterone a vital player in the fight against this challenging disease.

Key Features of Abiraterone:

  • Androgen Deprivation: Abiraterone acts as a potent and selective inhibitor of CYP17, a key enzyme involved in androgen biosynthesis. By hindering this process, it effectively reduces androgen levels, essential in managing and treating prostate cancer.
  • Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Abiraterone is particularly effective in treating metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), offering patients a valuable therapeutic option in advanced stages of the disease.
  • Combination Therapy: It is often prescribed in combination with prednisone, enhancing its efficacy in suppressing androgen production and mitigating potential side effects associated with hormonal manipulation.
  • Survival Benefits: Clinical trials have demonstrated significant improvements in overall survival and progression-free survival rates among patients receiving Abiraterone, underscoring its role as a life-extending intervention.
  • Well-Tolerated: Abiraterone is generally well-tolerated, contributing to better patient compliance and quality of life during the course of treatment.

Conditions Treated with Abiraterone:

Abiraterone is a pivotal component in the management of prostate cancer, offering therapeutic benefits in:

  • Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC): Abiraterone, often prescribed along with prednisone, proves highly effective in delaying disease progression and extending survival in patients with advanced prostate cancer.
  • Pre-Chemotherapy Treatment: It is employed as a frontline treatment for metastatic prostate cancer, delaying the need for chemotherapy and providing a well-tolerated alternative.
  • Post-Chemotherapy Treatment: Abiraterone is also utilized in patients who have undergone chemotherapy, offering a valuable option for continued disease management.

Abiraterone represents a significant advancement in prostate cancer therapeutics, offering hope and improved outcomes for individuals facing this formidable disease. The advantages of obtaining Abiraterone without a prescription are centered around accessibility, providing an immediate option for those in urgent need.

It is imperative, however, to recognize the importance of professional medical guidance to ensure the appropriate usage and dosage of Abiraterone in accordance with individual health profiles and specific cancer conditions.

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